Mission Trip Testimonies - 2.16-18, 2024
Our Mission Trip team witnessed another powerful move of God while in Tijuana last weekend. The trip was not only transformational for those who were ministered to but also for those who were sent out. Here are several shared testimonies:
While ministering on the streets of the red light district, a man eagerly approached our team asking, “What must I do to be saved?”. It was a moment just like what we see in Acts 16, when the jailer asks this question to Paul and Silas.
While visiting the homeless ministry, two children decided they wanted to pray to ask Jesus into their hearts after our team had made crafts and shared their testimonies with these kids.
A young lady on the team shared how she began weeping while feeling the heart of God for the women in prostitution that they ministered to with Selah. She felt a burden to personally pray for all in need, even those who were at first hesitant.
During the worship, the song, “Gratitude” by Brandon Lake was sung and a woman was touched by the deep reality of the lyrics, that ALL she has to give to God is her hallelujah.
One of the most precious testimonies is the heartfelt impact that those in Mexico had on our team.
“The Lord opened my eyes this weekend to just how blessed we are in Southern California. I have seen and ministered to the homeless before but this was next level and it really moved my heart to serve people that are actually so desperate and broken.”
“Everything I saw has opened my eyes to how blessed we are and we need to start taking the great commission seriously.”
We rejoice over what God has done on this trip and we encourage you to pray about attending one of our upcoming trips, taking place once every three months.