Our church community offers many resources for receiving prayer and counseling.
Please explore various options below.
If you need personalized prayer for anything specific, you can set an appointment for a 15-minute prayer call using our online platform. This call is facilitated by a staff member of our church through our Mercy Transformation Center. We look forward to hearing from you.
Transformation Center
Prayer and Counseling
If you are interested in receiving prayer ministry or would like to be connected to to serve in prayer ministry here at Vineyard, the best way for you to do that is by connecting with our Transformation Center.
What is the Transformation Center?
The Transformation Center is a holistic healing collaboration of ministries including, but not limited to: spiritual growth, recovery, counseling, relational skills, inner-healing, deliverance, physical health, and inter-generational community.
Vineyard Prophetic Ministry
The Vineyard Laguna Niguel prophetic teams offer personal prophetic ministry with a small group of church members trained in the prophetic.
“The one who prophesies speaks to people for their edification,
encouragement and comfort.” 1 Corinthians 14:3
For more information contact Tricia Martin at prophetic@vcchurch.com
To sign up for a prophetic appointment, please add your name to the calendar by clicking the button below.
Need Prayer?
We would love to offer you additional support and prayer this week and throughout this stressful time with several options for Zoom, Facetime and audio calls:
Crisis Prayer Line - 949-305-9989 (around 75 compassionate intercessors will pray over you and your request)
Healing Rooms - prayer for physical healing (Email for an appointment with team members. healingrooms@vcchurch.com)
Sozo Healing Prayer (Lisa Johnston. Make an appt. at sozofreedom.com)
Living Free Ministries (Sheneau and Deborah Stanley. Make an appt. at livingfreeministries.org/)
Marketplace Prayer Meeting
Marketplace (Business) Prayer Meeting
Wednesday Mornings, 7-9am on Zoom
Come join us every Wednesday morning for our weekly Marketplace Prayer Meeting with Pastor Mike. Worship opens at 7am, and we continue with prayer until about 9am. It is such a privilege to meet with you all to pray about our businesses and family needs. And even better, we get to rejoice as God answers us with one miracle after another.
We find it works best to join from a computer.
If you have a Zoom account you can join @ Meeting ID: 842 444 262 Password: Jer2911
To join by phone audio only call : +1 669 900 9128 US Meeting ID: 842 444 262
Women's Fellowship & Prayer Gathering
Friday Mornings, 9:30am, On our Vineyard, Laguna Niguel Campus
Part of our campus is currently under construction so the location of this meeting can change from week to week. If you plan to join us, please contact Janiece at Janiece@VineyardLN.com for the latest updates.
Ladies, please join us weekly for our Morning Women’s Fellowship & Prayer Gathering on our Vineyard campus! Our main goal is to cultivate deeper friendship with God and each other. We give space for the Holy Spirit to guide us each time we come together. Normally we start with coffee and talking, then worship, a short teaching with group discussion, followed by powerful prayer! All women are welcome! Childcare is provided, but please let us know in advance if possible.
For questions, please contact Janiece@VineyardLN.com