Kent and Cathy Larson have been at VCC since the fall of 1999 and on pastoral staff since January 2001. They are especially grateful to be at VCC because of the atmosphere of freedom for the Holy Spirit to minister, our value of intimacy with God and the growing "culture of honor" among our church community, as well as our heart for the nations.
Their primary responsibilities at VCC include all prayer and pastoral-care ministries. Kent oversees HOPE (House of Prayer for Everyone), teaches the "Intimacy With God" track in KSOM (Kingdom School of Ministry), and is working to encourage the release of prophetic art and worship. He and Cathy also oversee pastoral counseling and inner healing. They are available for prayer counseling appointments throughout the week. Cathy has also managed Vineyard Bookstore at VCC since 2003. They also love to participate in international ministry whenever possible, especially in Israel and Southeast Asia.
Kent was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Cathy in Southern California. Kent graduated from Wheaton College in ‘72 and Cathy attended Westmont College, graduating from Cal State Long Beach in ’77. They met in Pasadena while Kent was at Fuller Seminary (MDiv '76). They were married in Pasadena in 1978. Kent worked as a youth pastor for 5 years in Denver and was ordained in 1979. Kent and Cathy spent time doing evangelism and discipleship in India, Japan and to Hindu and Muslim immigrants in England for two years. In 1984 they moved to Southern California to be a part of the Anaheim Vineyard under John Wimber. They have five children: Peter would now be 30 {graduated to heaven in 2000}, Tiffany is 28 and on staff at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Jonathan is 21 at UCSD studying computer science, Joshua is 19 at OCC studying music and Jordan is 16, surfer and artist extraordinaire. Over their 33 years of marriage they have lived in Denver, England, and now love living in Costa Mesa for 20 of their 27 years in Southern California.