“Letters to Juliet” Movie
Italian Cuisine Under The Tent
July 14, Friday Night from 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Registration Below; Tickets $12
(At the door ticket price is $17)
Childcare Available
“You need only the courage to follow your heart.”
Hosted by Vineyard Women’s Ministry
Ladies, we welcome you to join us for a delightful evening as we enjoy an Italian Cuisine outside under the tent, followed by watching the movie, Letters to Juliet together in the sanctuary. This women’s event is hosted by our Vineyard Women’s Ministry and we encourage you to invite any and all female friends who are looking for a fun and refreshing night out! Childcare will also be available during this event.
The movie, Letters to Juliet, is a lovely story sewn with a golden thread that speaks to the beauty of women encouraging women to pursue their hearts’ desires.
As Christians, God has placed dreams in all of our hearts that He wants us to pursue, and sometimes it takes the encouragement of another woman to inspire us to follow those dreams!
The movie highlights a 100-year custom in Verona, Italy where women from all over the world write letters to Shakespeare’s Juliet seeking advice and hope about their hearts’ desires. These letters continue to be answered by the Secretaries of Juliet!
We have something even better! At our Girls’ Night Out, we will have a time to write brief Letters to JESUS. A team of our own wise and loving women, “Secretaries for Jesus,” will pray over each letter, then privately write a reply to each one with godly, loving advice and encouragement.
That is just one feature for our evening’s event. We will savor a delectable al fresco Italian dinner under the tent. This will be an enjoyable night to build joy and hope in all our women — and the perfect time to invite a friend!
”You need only the courage to follow your heart.”
… and God cares about the desires of your heart.
We hope you’ll join us!
Janiece and Vineyard Women’s Ministry
For questions, please contact Candy Edman at