Have you ever considered attending a ministry school to advance your walk with the Lord?
If so, our church ministry school - Kingdom School of Ministry (KSOM) - is an incredible way to do so! We are hosting two introduction meetings all about it on August 21st and 28th at 12:30pm in the Family Room (formerly known as the La Paz Kitchen).
The school, led by Bruce Stratton, is here to edify and bless those that desire equipping with the necessary tools to be more effective in their personal lives, at home and in the marketplace. This is a school for individuals who want to encounter more, know more and do more. More Lord!
The meeting will take about 30 minutes and will include a full outline of the program and a time for you to ask questions!
Please take advantage of this opportunity to sow into your personal growth. Click the link for more info: VineyardLN.com/KSOM.