MARKET PLACE PRAYER MEETINGS: 7-9AM Wednesdays in the Hope Room. Come to worship, prophecy, and pray for God's kingdom to advance in our businesses.
SMALL GROUPS: We encourage you to join one of our small groups or Wednesday Night Classes.
Contact Ryan Hulett at or (949) 425-3787 for details.JR HIGH MINISTRY: Meets in the Youth Room every Wednesday evening from 6:45-8:45 PM. Contact Erin Mcintosh at Ready Youth.
HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY: Meets each Tuesday from 7- 8:45 PM.
Contact Brent Mcintosh at Ready Youth.JR. AND SR. HIGH WEEKEND SERVICES meet on Sundays at 10 AM in the Hope Room. The time includes worship, Bible teaching, and prayer. Ready Youth.
On the first Saturday of every month, we gather together to worship, pray, and fellowship.Typical Schedule as follows:
7AM: Worship
8AM: Prayer
9AM: Breakfast
MONDAY NIGHT RENEWAL SERVICE meets each Monday at 7:30 PM in the sanctuary with Mike Hudgins for a rich time of extended worship, testimonies of God's goodness, personal ministry, and refreshing in His presence.
LA VINA: For many years the La Viña church has offered its weekly service in Spanish, plus other activities and small groups. While continuing to livestream on Facebook, they have just begun meeting each Sunday at 1:30 PM in the VCC sanctuary. If you or a friend are looking for a Spanish-speaking fellowship, please contact Pastor Mauricio Villamizar for details at (224) 723-0324 or email him at Look for them on Facebook at La Viña Laguna Niguel - Comunidad Cristiana.
HEALING ROOMS ON WEDNESDAYS: Our Healing Rooms Ministry meets on Wednesdays in the HOPE Prayer Room from 12PM- 1 :45 PM.
Questions? Email
VINEYARD MINISTRY TEAM PRAYER: At the end of each service we have specially trained ministry team members available in the front of the church to pray for your needs. They can be identified by the badges they wear. Men pray with men and women with women. Their desire is to provide a safe, caring environment, and to facilitate the work the Holy Spirit is already doing in your heart.