Vineyard Life Podcast

Conversations with leaders in our church, discussing community, culture, and the kingdom of God

Awaken Conference with Will Hart and Jake Hamilton


Vineyard Family Talent Show 2021

Bob Sorge // 11.20.2020

Part 1: Coaching workshop with Kent & Cathy Larson. Introduction and practice of 3 essential foundations for building relational joy, deep level attachment & marriage ...

Part 2: This is a marriage coaching workshop with Kent and Cathy Larson. It is part II of a three part series and will focus on building lasting joy together!

Part 3: Tune in to this marriage coaching workshop with Kent and Cathy Larson. This is part III of a three part series and will focus on building a lasting joy together!

5.31.2020: Seek The Lord - Pentecost Sunday On Sunday, May 31st, we will be hosting a "Seek The Lord" worship and prayer event via livestream. We will spend the entire d...

3.14.2020: Imnanuel Prayer Seminar

“Always Enough” - Robby Dawkins 8.12.2018